journaling, meditation, sensation

Thoughts Revealed on an Afternoon Walk


The Soul is a chorus of all our experience.

A friend told me once that every sound made never disappears completely. It eventually becomes imperceptible, but is still there.
Every laugh
Every word of anger
Every musical note that’s been played or sung
Every lover’s sigh
Every cry of sorrow
Every mantra chanted
Every first inhale
Every last exhale.
Continually around us and reforming.

Our being is a dance of all existence.
Molecules and atoms vibrating.
Dancing with each other
Like the murmuration of birds-
One time an elipse folding in on itself
Another time a tree
Then a rock
Then you
Then me.

A continual dance of connectedness

We are
We are one
We are everything
We are

~Adele Satori
(You can read about Gugliemo Marconi’s theory of sound decay here

focus, journaling, meditation, mindfulness

Meanderings of the Mind

I dreamt my brain went flying through space on its own adventure. I made this collage to honour the occasion.

When I have the luxury of waking up naturally, I like to lay in my bed and follow the meanderings of my mind.

Today I woke up excited to choose a topic for meditation. I already had chosen a theme for the week- senses, from my reading in training to become a certified meditation teacher- and landed on movement. I like sometimes to choose a topic and tell my brain “today is… run with it”. I landed on the sense of movement for today.

I lay there for awhile stretching.. dancing with my hands, enjoying moving and noticing the flow and connection with my breath.

I thought of light, and sound, and how object are all vibrations of molecules. How in one way or another, all is light and sound. All is vibration.

My worth thinking paused, and I played mind movies of some of my favourite light and sound moments. The play of light and shadow on leaves. Music, The sound of a beloved person’s voice.

I thought of movement and stillness. About how the extremes impede growth. too much movement can become chaos or exhaustion. Too much stillness can become complacency or stagnation. I gave time to thinking about how I could present these concepts in a corporate mindfulness setting.

I thought about paper being a vibrational transformation of the plants it’s usually made from. How paper is both an offering and a sacrifice. Unless it’s 100% recycled, most paper in its origin was a plant that was sacrificed to become paper. It becomes an offering to be written on, created with, exchanged as a means of value, and so on.. Every time now when I use paper, I will take a moment to thank the trees.

I jumped more to thinking about vibrations; thinking about the vibration of thought itself. I thought of brain furrows and how they remind me of the plowed fields behind my house growing up.

Suddenly I’d found I’d made myself small. My kidhood self. Hooded jacked, rainboots… walking the fields/brain furrows. Stopping and bending down looking for treasure, which were I grew up was usually agates.

I thought of how I could use this image….. wandering the furrows of my brain… as a device to bring me deeper.

I wondered if my Mom still has a particular large agate. On I remember being as big as my hand, and to ask her to take a picture of it to send to me.

My brain gradually slowed until there was simply the process of waking, and thinking it was time to get out of bed.

I stretched and said out loud “Thank was beautiful. Thank you.”

There is no requirement to still the mind, or sit just so to meditate. It’s more about a deeper connection with Self. You can lay in your bed, sit in a chair, get up and dance, go for a hike, get lost in creating art, listening to music. Let your mind show you the adventure of the moment.

Ah! That was beautiful. Thank you!

inspiration, journaling, meditation

The Space Between

Today I was introduced to the concept of samputa, which can mean anything from a round covered case, to the space between two bowls, hearts, or chakras. I thought about this all through my day.

How the space between two reflective objects, through the bending of light can reveal different aspects of each other, sometimes a pattern of infinite Self, infinite Other.

How the space between an inhale and exhale, or a wave reaching the shore and returning to the ocean creates the perception of time standing still.

How the space between letters can create clarity or confusion.

How the space between silence and sound can increase the significance of each other, and how the space between waves determines whether a tone is high or low in pitch.

How the space between people can create a delightful tension between lovers, or raise feelings of discomfort between people unknown to each other.

How looking at or through the space around and within an object will reveal as much about what contains it as it does the object itself.

How the space between sleep and wakefulness can hold the most profound experience.

I then started thinking about space and time, how they are related, and how perhaps somewhere, sometime, they are One, or trade places. And then I found this quote by Oliver Gaspirtz, which blew my mind:

“But what if the universe has not always been expanding? What if it’s pulsating, and one pulse takes trillions of years, and right now the universe is inhaling, and before that, trillions of years ago, it was exhaling?”

Attachment, inspiration, meditation, mindfulness, Personal growth, spirituality

Holy Ground

Before I knew of such things as chakras, and Saturn returns, I drew this oh so long ago

Recently I’ve begun training to become a meditation teacher, and all of us in the virtual class are so exuberant, and diving in full soul.

Many are sharing pictures of their meditation nooks/spaces/rooms. Beautiful spaces all, complete with lovely tapestries, altars, and such.

I have little informal I suppose you could call altars throughout my house. Little groupings of items collected or gifted over the years. Musical instruments in one corner, the marble cafe table from an ancestor’s store with the shop bell, crystals, a microscope and discarded cards I find on walks. But I really don’t have any one spot I consistently go to set my mind free.

I thought of the Martha Graham quote: “Wherever a dancer stands ready, that spot is holy ground”…and then I realized. I am my meditation room. Wherever I am, I take my holy ground with me. Wherever I can fully be in the moment.. watching ocean waves, or leaves fluttering on a tree, or follow the path of birds riding currents on air, get lost in music I am creating. All of it is a variation on meditation as I see it.

There is great comfort and joy and something special about having a traditional place to contemplate life, the Universe and everything.. the buildup of energy there is tangible. It’s why sometimes people venture into a church or temple without knowing exactly why, other than the pull was there, and comfort and perhaps realizations were found.

I am so grateful that I can find this wherever I go- on the train, on a bench in a park, on a walk and stopping and overlooking the city.

My body is my temple, and my mind, its rooms.

Creativity, focus, inspiration, meditation, mindfulness, Personal Development, Personal growth

Singing on the Trail

On my way back down the mountain today, in the distance behind me, I could hear someone singing.. singing deeply from their soul.

I slowed down so I could enjoy the singing. My Spanish is not wonderful, and it’s not in this clip, but I could swear at one point they sang “There are not words in my mouth that say how I feel in my heart”.

My brain shot back in time to a job I had where the custodian, from Laos, sang all the time. He told me the days he sang loudest and longest were the days he was missing his country the most.

I remember years ago I would hear people randomly singing or whistling through their day, and I don’t really hear it much any more. That in part is what made today so special.

I would like there to be ease in the world again where when people felt it rise up, the songs would come, and mingle with those of the birds like they did today.