Attachment, inspiration, meditation, mindfulness, Personal growth, spirituality

Holy Ground

Before I knew of such things as chakras, and Saturn returns, I drew this oh so long ago

Recently I’ve begun training to become a meditation teacher, and all of us in the virtual class are so exuberant, and diving in full soul.

Many are sharing pictures of their meditation nooks/spaces/rooms. Beautiful spaces all, complete with lovely tapestries, altars, and such.

I have little informal I suppose you could call altars throughout my house. Little groupings of items collected or gifted over the years. Musical instruments in one corner, the marble cafe table from an ancestor’s store with the shop bell, crystals, a microscope and discarded cards I find on walks. But I really don’t have any one spot I consistently go to set my mind free.

I thought of the Martha Graham quote: “Wherever a dancer stands ready, that spot is holy ground”…and then I realized. I am my meditation room. Wherever I am, I take my holy ground with me. Wherever I can fully be in the moment.. watching ocean waves, or leaves fluttering on a tree, or follow the path of birds riding currents on air, get lost in music I am creating. All of it is a variation on meditation as I see it.

There is great comfort and joy and something special about having a traditional place to contemplate life, the Universe and everything.. the buildup of energy there is tangible. It’s why sometimes people venture into a church or temple without knowing exactly why, other than the pull was there, and comfort and perhaps realizations were found.

I am so grateful that I can find this wherever I go- on the train, on a bench in a park, on a walk and stopping and overlooking the city.

My body is my temple, and my mind, its rooms.

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