inspiration, instinctive meditation, meditation, mindfulness, Personal growth

Cultivating a Sense of Awe

Image show bright green moss growing from grey rocks. I stood and looked at it for the longest time.

Cultivating a sense of awe is an important skill to have.

Instinctive Meditation® is one of the ways to increase this sense of awe. It doesn’t require large block of time, uncomfortable postures, or memorization of mantras. It’s a practice that is unique to you, and unique from day to day.

Awe doesn’t have to be a goosebump moment. It can simply be a deepened sense of appreciation and wonder.

“On fMRI studies, awe quiets the default mode network in the brain, which results in the quieting of our internal and self-referential inner voice, hence a smaller sense of self and greater sense of connection.”

More good stuff in this article I found via The Good Life Project. It’s geared towards those in the caring professions, and has much good in it for the rest of us, too.

I would love to collaborate with you in creating your own instinctive meditation practice. Send me an email at, and let’s begin our adventure!